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Night Time Potty Training – Is it Possible?

Before ditching the diapers, make sure that you’ve already done night time potty training on your toddler. To many, this is quite a struggle as it may take months or years before the child could actually stay dry through the night. In fact, even with children who had been dry all day and had been potty-trained at that, their body remains immature to engage in potty training at night.

It is normal for kids to wet their bed or their nappies at night. Their bladder is not yet strong enough to hold their pee throughout the night. Don’t be weary though because there are success stories on night time potty training even at a child’s early age. Some would start at twenty-two or twenty-five months. There are even some toddlers who stay dry until the morning. Although, they would start peeing at 6:00 or 7:00 A.M, at least they have started staying dry for the entire night. This could be a good sign that your child is ready to let go of his nappies.

How to Toilet Train at Night

As a start, set an alarm during the night as to check if your child peed at a certain hour. Observe if there is a pattern. Most parents would use this as their cue to wake their child and let them sit in the potty to pee. Some would find it discomforting for their children as this may interrupt their sleep. The better solution for them is to pick the child up and set him on the potty. Your child may sometimes be awakened enough to sit upright on the potty but is he remains sound asleep, you can expect that he would urinate nonetheless. And that would be a good progress.

If your child has been consistently waking up to a dry diaper or pull-ups in successive mornings, it is worth giving night time potty training a try. Wet nights can also be avoided by refraining from drinking a lot before putting the kid to sleep. You can also try placing an absorbent sheet or water-proof pad over the bed sheet whenever your child sleeps without his nappies. Station the potty near your child’s bed so that he will be motivated to use it whenever he needs to especially at nighttime. Keep supporting your child in communicating his needs to use the potty at his own pace.

Waking your child up in the middle of the night just to proceed to the potty could be a difficult job. That’s why, it is good to heap praise upon your child whenever he wakes up to a completely dry underwear or nappy. It is a matter of physiology and physical maturity for your child so, do not be surprised if some toddlers are already successful in their potty training at night and your own is just about to start. The key is not to make a big deal out of it. Don’t push him hard to do the potty training because he will naturally get the feel of doing it in the long run.

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